Thank you and oops.

Clapotis shawl in Olive Branch

Surfacing quickly here to say a belated but heartfelt thank you to everyone who stopped by the shop, pre-ordered some yarn or sent me an email. It has been an exciting few weeks around here!

Which brings me to some shop notes:

Sorry if you emailed me and are still awaiting a reply. I hope to get caught up soon. 

If you pre-ordered a skein of shawl yarn in Concrete and Tulips, your yarn will ship within 6-8 weeks of placing your order. That's what it says on the product page (here) but, unfortunately, not what it said in the automated email confirming your order. I completely forgot to update that email when I set up the pre-order and I do apologize for any confusion that caused.

Finally, I have not set a date yet for our next shop update. As soon as we work through our current backlog - most likely mid-January. I will announce it here and via our newsletter. the next shop update will be a big pre-order for shawl yarn in all of our colour ways. 

And finally-finally, I finally cast off and blocked the shawl I've been knitting on for a few months now. Cladonia by Kristin Kapur in the Olive Branch colourway. It's pretty much perfect if I do say so myself. 

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